Winter and Spring Season Fellowships Deadlines

Herbert Scoville Jr. 和平奖学金-庆祝30年来为未来的和平与安全领导人提供机会
:  Spring 202X Fellowship–mid October of the preceding fall, and Fall 202X Fellowship– early to mid January.
The Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship, established in 1987, 是一项竞争激烈的国家奖学金计划,为大学和研究生院的新校友提供机会,了解华盛顿对和平与安全关键问题的看法. Twice yearly, 该奖学金将挑选一批杰出人士在华盛顿度过6至9个月. Supported by a salary, 研究员在他们选择的参与组织担任全职初级工作人员.  The program also arranges meetings for the fellows with policy experts. See Application Information - Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Each year, through the James C. Gaither Junior Fellows program, 卡内基国际和平基金会向具有特殊资格的高年级毕业生和上一学年毕业的个人提供大约12个为期一年的奖学金. 他们是从数百所参与的大学和学院提名的候选人中选出的. James C. Gaither初级研究员担任卡内基资深学者的研究助理. Please see your school’s nominating official to learn more about the college application process and please see our FAQ for eligibility requirements.

Truman Scholarship
Deadline: Early December (internal); end of January (final deadline for applicants; the external deadline for GVSU is the first Tuesday in February (external)
The Harry S. 杜鲁门奖学金是美国国内最负盛名的本科生奖学金. 杜鲁门基金会认可有领导潜力并致力于政府事业的大三学生, the nonprofit advocacy sectors, education, 或者在其他公共服务部门为他们提供研究生学习的财政支持, leadership training and fellowship with other students. Truman finalists are selected based on their records of leadership, public service and academic achievement. 接受者有机会与其他致力于通过公共服务而有所作为的学生互动. 大多数杜鲁门学者寻求法学博士或公共管理硕士和博士学位, public policy, public health, international relations, government, economics, social services, education, urban planning, conservation and environmental protection. Some Scholars have pursued medical, 物理科学甚至商业学位——但这些学者能够清楚地证明这些学位将如何促进他们在公共服务领域的职业生涯.  提出多个学位的学者需要清楚地说明为什么所有学位都需要在公共服务领域从事职业.

Truman Foundation Logo

The Coro Fellowship in Public Affairs 
Deadline: Early January
Coro研究员计划通过为他们提供知识,培养新兴领导者在不同领域的工作和领导能力, skills, and networks to accelerate positive changeCoro Fellows have varying backgrounds, beliefs, and goals, 但推动他们的是一种共同的愿望,即采取行动,加快对世界的影响. 他们重视终身学习,并寻求提供反思和成长机会的经验. 理想的候选人要有好奇心和雄心壮志——乐于接受挑战,并乐于与他人合作,跨越差异. Coro奖学金地点在洛杉矶、纽约、匹兹堡、旧金山和圣. Louis. 

Rangel Scholars Summer Enrichment Program (SEP) 
Deadline: Early February
The Charles B. 兰格尔国际事务暑期丰富项目是一个为期六周的暑期项目,旨在为本科生提供对当前国际事务问题和趋势的更深入的了解, a greater understanding of career opportunities in international affairs, and the enhanced knowledge and skills to pursue such careers. Students live at Howard University, attend classes, 并与霍华德大学和华盛顿不同地区的外交事务专业人士一起参加各种项目, DC. 该计划包括两门3学分课程的学费和一次写作研讨会, travel, housing, and two meals per day. It also provides a stipend. Eligibility: US Citizen, cumulative 3.2 GPA at the time of applying, 至少是大二学生,并且必须在春季学期保持全日制状态. Programs starts mid-June and ends late July.

FAO Schwarz Fellowship
Deadline:  Mid-February

Each year a new cohort of FAO Schwarz Fellows begin paid, two-year assignments with leading nonprofit organizations. 研究员在波士顿、纽约和费城的高影响力非营利组织工作. 这些组织在其社区中深受重视,并且在提供一致的结果和高质量的服务方面有着良好的记录. 学员将加深对相关社会问题的认识和理解, work directly with host communities, 领导战略项目,加强主办机构的能力和影响力. Fellows attend retreats each year to learn about the social impact sector, 培养关键技能,与粮农组织施瓦茨计划的现任和校友建立关系并向他们学习. 两年后,学员们为在社会影响领域取得成功做好了充分的准备.

Humanity in Action
Deadline: Mid-February
The Humanity in Action Fellowship explores issues of democracy, pluralism, human rights, and social justice. Each program is tailored to its location. 学员们面临的挑战是了解他们所在城市独特的不公正历史, 它目前正在努力囊括具有少数文化和身份的群体, and the future of its democratic values. 每个项目都有大约22名大学生和应届毕业生. 研究员们来自不同的背景——学术界、艺术界、活动家——但他们有着共同的价值观. Humanity in Action Fellows are collaborative, passionate and open people, willing to examine and challenge their personal preconceptions and biases.

Udall Scholarship
Deadline: Mid-January (internal); Early March (external)
尤德尔基金会向大学二年级和三年级的学生颁发奖学金,以表彰他们的领导力, public service, 以及对与美洲原住民或环境有关的问题的承诺. 你是否致力于积极解决环境挑战或影响印度国家的问题? 你是否通过公共服务证明了你对其中一个领域的承诺? Do you inspire and motivate others to take action? 你是否致力于通过文明和建立共识而有所作为? 如果你对这些问题的回答是肯定的,那么尤德尔奖学金可能很适合你.

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Page last modified January 19, 2024